Well, I just got myself the DSL 599 plan, with 1GB/month free download, Speed 512kbps.
I get a speed of 472kbps consistently, throughout, even at peak times, and even at 3 im the night !..which is pretty good, considering its more than 90% of the promised speed !
I am located approximately 1 km from my telephone exchange.
Word of caution - please make sure you attach the splitter to the main telephone line, which enters the house, and NOT to any parallel line.
The parallel line will work, but whenever someone calls, the connection will drop, and will re activate only after you hang up the call.This wont happen if you attach the splitter at the point of first entry of the telephone cable in your home.
The customer service is bad, and there are no technical knowledgable people who come on the phone when you call their customer care no. 1504.
Infact, 1/2 the times I called on 1504, I was made to wait on hold for a customer rep for more than 10 minutes before someone picked up the call.
Also - talk in Hindi..makes the conversation much more better understandable for the representative..!
The connection speed would depend on the distance of your house from your telephone exchange..I know a guy in Wadala, who lives approximately 4.5kms away from his telephone exchange, and has taken a 256kbps connection-he says he gets around 70-210kbps, depending on peak/off peak times..so, distance from telephone exchange, telephone wire condition, parallel connection, PC configuration, proper modem settings, all this affects the speed..
Overall, Its very very good..I think worth the price for the speeds Im getting.
Oh yeah - forgot about installation, thats another Pro point, since no extra wiring is needed, and works on current phone line..the installation/testing charges are only Rs300, so, worth it..other cable providers take even thousands to install an ethernet cable from their switches to our flat !!..