I have had MTNL for about an year and so I have thoroughly tested it. So here the review goes.
Frustrated by Tata Plug2Surf plug-in , I was in the market for a new internet connection.
Options were
Local internet providers
Why did I want to change my internet connection?
The speed . Horrible . It was only 128 kbps
The plug-in had broken and it used to disconnect at times.
I couldnt do video or voice calls due to the speed
What did I want from my internet connection?
Why did I choose MTNL?
I chose MTNL as I have had a horrible experience with Reliance and Tata . So , both were cut out of the list. The contenders - MTNL & Local Provider . I called the local provider salRajeev_Vermarson . They werent showing any interest and the plans werent VFM. Shooed the salesman . Then , called up MTNL . They were courteous and also recommended me few plans . I chose
- Unlimted Internet with 512 kbps speed @ day and 1 kbps speed @ night plan with 20 or 25( not sure ) free minutes with landline for Rs.499. It was a VFM package.
Installation process
We made the payment and also opted for Wi-Fi router for Rs.600. The person set up the connection but took a lot of time . We got the router late as the stock was over.
Experience till now
The experience is good till now. Sometimes , it ( the internet connection ) stops working and starts working after 1/2 hr. But the speed is satisfactory and we havent encountered any problems till now. Also , the Wi-Fi router is VFM compared to the other routers in the market .
Would I recommend this to you?
I would but I cant give guarantee about reliablity as it depends on the area you live.
Thanks for reading