As it was Diwali yesterday, a festive occasion , We decided to try MTR Payasam Kheer this time instead of the usual rice kheer we prepare at home on such occasions. Its instant mix and it said delicious payasam in minutes and promise of purity. Its ingredients are sugar, vermicelli(called sevai in hindi), cashewnuts, raisins(kishmish), cardamom , ghee and saffron. It looked very delicious in the photograph they(MTR) displayed with kaju, kishmish and sevai thrown in.It makes 1 litre of payasam.Its way of making-Boil 1 litre of milk.Add contents of MTR instant mix payasam kheer mix.Stir continously on low flame for about 10-12 minutes, till fully cooked.Serve hot. NOW MY EXPERIENCE- I imagined a payasam which I ate at my friends home when I was a kid.Its a south indian delicacy and my friend was also a south indian native.I think they prepared it in a hard core natural way and it tasted yummy.They used jaggery(gur) in place of sugar and did not use vermicelli.The color became brown due to gur.I imagined MTR instant mix payasam kheer would be somewhere near to it as its not naturally prepared, BUT MTR instant mix payasam kheer is very different from that.Although the cashewnuts, vermicelli, cardamom and raisins keep the flavor on, but I have no idea, a certain ingredient used in this instant mix gives it a WEIRD taste of some bitter spice due to some flour or may be a preservative(Although they have not written it on their packet).It gives a DISAPPOINTING taste towards the end and spoils the party! Some of the payasam kheer still remains in my refrigerator and half of dry mix in the packet still, but I have NO plans to eat or prepare it in future.I know makers of this instant mix would be sad to read it , but I cannot do anything about it.I heard a lot of good about MTR readymade dishes even on radio from a cooking expert on a cookery show regarding its sambhar masala, but now I am sceptical..I am disappointed. I will not recommend MTR instant mix payasam kheer to anyone. Thanks for reading my review.