2015 appears to be a bad year for me because I had purchased a MTS Mblaze Postpaid data card.Eventhough the speed of the connection is only half of what they promised, The bill payement is realy an ordeal.Every time I make the payement online, the amount debited from my account, but not credited to MTS books.Then I have to contact the coustomer care of Rechargeitnow for getting money back(which is the only payement gateway for MTS payement).Till now for making payement of 3 months bill(Rs.1800), I had transfered 5400 rs to MTS account, Unsucmorpheushumanessfull payement(Rs 3600) later credited back to my account after conatcting rechargeitnow.I had made several complaints with MTS coustomer care but always get a reply in preformated format which doesnt contain any solution about specific problem mentioned.I had tried diffrent bank /debit card Etc. for making payement, But always it was unsucessfull.Another intresting fact is that unlike other service providers MTS doesnt have a show room in kottayam.As per the instruction of coustomer care I contacted muthoot finance ltd, for making payement, But they also reluctant because the chances of sucessfull payent is less from their past expirience.Most of the companies provide facility to makmorpheushumane payement throuth thrid party apps like PAYTM, MOBIQUICK Etc.but mts doesnt have..I had also made complaints to the chairman, CEO & top management of MTS regrading the issue, But unlike my previous expirence with other companies no one responded from MTS.MTS appears to have highest fine among the tele service provides for late payement.(RS 100/-).So my learned opinin is that think thrice(not twice) before taking a MTS postpaid connection. Aju.V.Chacko