Bloody non sense company Ive ever seen in my life. This company doesnt have the sufficient money to continue because every month the are asking for bill like a beggar they started calling you to deposit the bill just after bill generated. Even this employees the customer care executives doesnt have knowledge about anything everytime you call in customer care for something but your issue will not be resolved . Its a LALA company and in short Pagal ghatiya, bukhe, bikhari company. The day when you own a mts data card means you just made a biggest mistake of your life. Because just after your bill gets generated youll get at least 8-10 calls in a day and 4-5 messages and also the emails for bill payment even when the due date is after 15 days. Also the girls who used to call for bill payment BEFORE DUE DATE NOT AFTER are speaking like illiterate peoples. In short after this whole mentally harassment they will barred your no. Before due date because of non payment of your bill. And when you ask in the customer care that why my no. Is barred they told me that you were disconnected call from our collection team thats why we barred your no. AND all these thing happens before the due date.