Well, Im a very fresh victim of MTS people & MBlaze postpaid connection. I dont know from where theyve calculated my 4 GB data usage in 4 days at average 25-28 Kbps download speed, can you help guys? On top of that, theyve disconnected my services by telling Ive crossed my 1000 Rs. credit limit that is fine but you know what? Ive subscribed for the plan in which you get 15 GB for night & 8 GB for day time for 30 days. On top of that, please look at the JPEG file Ive attached with this review & its a fake advertisement case.
They said that if I connect to Internet in the night & if I dont disconnect in the morning, as long as I stay online, it will be counted in night slot which was very much clear in the advertisement BUT it was never happened & theyve cheated me. As soon as day was started, my data usage went into day slot in spite of night then they charged me Rs. 1200+ for only 4 days for several GBs data usage at average download speed of 25-28 Kbps, is that possible?
So now after this review, you guys please say what should I do? At present, my services are disconnected, I am without internet at home, & very much suffering from cheating case.