I got my MTS data card few weeks ago. They are giving some offers like 5 GB 3g data in 600 rupees. Actually it was some tric to attarck the people and they also mention the speed upto 14 mbps which was there another trick to attrack people like us who are really into net and want some good connection without paying much.
But in that dongle I never got speed more than 10kbps. I was the biggest mistake of my life when I called that MTS boy for the connection. Now m using broadband connection tgey mention 2mbps and out of that I easily get 1.5 mbos to 1.8 mbps.
In that MTS plan actually it was the plan of 700 and they are provising you for 600 only for 1 year they called it as discount for 1 year and later on they will charge 700 per month and remember tax extra for that dongle in which the speed is 10 knps. Actually MTS should pay us to face such a speed and to bear it for even one singke second. So the 600 is actually 700 including the tax and 700 after one year become 800 including tax.
One of my friend also face the same problem and he refuses to pay the bill coz as mention 14 mbps he never hpgot more than 10 kbps. So the company file a case against him. And they always call him and ask for money and warns him they he should face the court.
Another thing is there customer service is also very bad. They never listen to your problem. They never want to acept there mistake and they said that sone system updation is going on. For every problem are they have that same issue of system updation. So I suggest not to buy these MTS doungle ever. Its better to have a wifi brodband connection in your house and for outside purpose use mobile data pack. Even 2g is faster than these MTS data card. So my strong recommendation is not to use this MTS data card. As I live in delhi d capital city still never got more than 10 kbps so just thnk about any normal state or city they must be getting there net speed in negative if they are also using this MTS data cards. And remember guys these blaze is nothing another term to fool you.
So please please stay away from MTS and there products.