I bought MTS data card and subscribed for 40gb unlimited where the speed was suppose to be 9.8 mbps(incredible isnt it), You know a day before I purchased the data card I personally asked the agent hows the speed in my location and guess what he told me oh the connectivity in you area is fantastic perhaps the best I guessed.
Well I was obsessed by his words and then the very next day I bought the data card, now that everything is ready I asked how long does it take to activated the data card he told me possibly tomorrow in the evening(literally I was in some sort of emergency) I requested him to activate it for me in that very day but that was unfortunately not possible so I was fine with that in the mean time I thought my data card will be activate the next day for sure but guess what it took me almost a week to activate the data card I was so mad at the service provider but since my data card was been activated I calm down.
Later when I start using the data card the connectivity happened to be completely crap It was suppose to be 9.8 mbps but I was getting 0 kbps to 50 kbps Errrrrrrrrr.So without wasting my time I picked up my phone a call the customer service. lol the guy from the customer service barely speak English and I was like WTF because I was having a hard time understanding him so I told the person to pop in his call to his supervisor then I spoke with the supervisor and I explained everything where he led me to do lots of technical things in my laptop I did everything but there was no improvement in the connectivity.
After a while he put me on hold to check the issue eventually he said that the connectivity in my area is not good(O.M.G) So I asked him when can they possibly fix the problem he said to give them least 2 weeks or maximum time of 4 weeks to rectify I was left with no option but to say yes. I waited for almost a month but still no changes in the connectivity moreover time has come for me to pay the bills And to my surprise the bill I received was rs.1048 which actually was supposed to be Rs.999 but since Rs.49 doesnt make lot of difference I paid online what they asked me hoping that the connection might technically get better after I pay the bill.But But But But Its still the same So I call the customer service several time everyone was saying the same old same old craps. Now I feel like a complete idiot more like been tricked by MTS.
Apparently I think MTS is a fraud and most importantly you should know that MTS is the worse service provider ever ever ever which is why I do not encourage anyone to buy this crap.