Using MTS was one of the worst experience I ever had. But I had no option at that time because no services available for me at that time.
Only option is MTS. So I bought MTS data Card for Rs. 999/-. I opted for 999/- 40GB unlimited plan.
The speed was good for the first two months. But after that the speed just started getting down. They promised speed upto 9 MBPS. But I was not even getting 500 KBPS. Thats too slow. I made several complaints. But no response from the customer care. They simply say that the complaint has been forwarded.
But the problem will not be resolved. Even I went to the showroom where I purchased the data card. I made a complaint to them. But the person said that it is unavoidable. The speed will vary. But I said I am not even getting 1 MBPS. But he did not care. And after 4 months I was not even getting .1 MBPS. Yes its really hard to believe.
And after that a person from MTS came and checked and he said that the speed is not even 500 KBPS. Then they themselves asked me to disconnect temporarily until the problem is solved. After 2 months they called me and said that the problem is solved and I got the connection once again. But still the speed was slow. So I decided not to pay the bill. I did not pay the bill. I got the call from their customer care regarding payment and I said that the speed is slow and I will not pay until the problem is resolved. And a person called me and said that my bill is waived and I can pay Rs. 500/-. And I paid the amount. But they still did not give the connection .When asked them why connection is not given they said I have pending amount to be paid. And I once again went to the showroom and asked them. They said that the person whom contacted you is collection department. They will say like that to get the money. Its not our problem. You have to pay the remaining amount to continue the service. I changed the least plan and used it for another 6 months and finally disconnected it when I got the service of Netxpress. Here is the review of Netxpress link by me ->