I have bought a mts modem from an agent 14/05/2015. He promised me that it will activate on tomorrow. Here the problem starts. The modem is not activated until 17/05/2015. After a great struggling it has activated on 18/01/2015. The guy who contacts me didnt do anything to activate this.
So first of all if you want to buy this product please contact the mts showroom nearly to you.
Because the agents are fraud. Just to activate the modem I have called to him atleast 10+. Finally I contact the head office directly. Then only the modem has activated.(More or less 4 days.) guess how fraud they are. I ordered this in madurai but the person named balaji give the kid which belongs to Salem also send the proof to Salem office. Laterly I know this when I directly contact the mts head office located madurai. They got the responsibility and activities it within two hours.
The 2ND THING is I never got the speed which they tell. I got the speed of only below 150 kbps. So dont believe their words. Kindly ask for demo and loOKs at the speed then buy this.