As a customtakeouter point of view I purchased MTS because of its 3.1 Mpbs labled speed further I recharged a
plan named "unlimited @ 3.1 Mbps for one month for Rs. 999.
After using many times I would like to caution new users that I never got speed of 3.1 mbps. A 3.1 mbps connection must give a download speed of 360 Kbps that is 12% of 3.1Mbps(3100 Kbps) but I only got constant speed of 150 Kbps that means it is only giving speed of 1.3 Mbps at full network.
Second thing I want you people to know for the same plan is that a customtakeouter recharges Rs 999 plan with a mindset to download unlimited data for one month at a speed of 3.1 mbps, but the fact is that you will only get 12 GB data at the speed of 1.3 Mbps not 3.1 Mbps as I have explained above. After I completed 12 GB I am only getting a speed of 15 Kps that is 12% of 128 Kbps. This is because it has a fair usage policy behind the 999 plan which according to me is a fooling policy. so there is no point of naming it unlimited plan as no one would like to download at the speed of 15Kbps after completing 12 GB( as per my calculations at 150 Kbps download speed 7 Mb in one minute, 420 Mb in one hour and 5 Gb in 12 hours. so approximate 12 gb in 30 hours. so 12 Gb will end up in Max 4 -5 days. so actually u pay 999 for download of 4-5 days as no one would like to downlaod at the speed of 15 Kbps in this era. my previous cable broad band connection was much better than this fooling plan. the company is just fooling people by the titles "UNLIMITED" and "MTS 3.1 Mbps"
So I would recommed not to use MTS as their other plans alos exhaust very fast. They also keep on changing their plans frequently, which is very unfavourable for the customtakeouters and creates a big problem.