MY MOBILE NUMBER 914541474 was switched off from last one month. today I switched it on and just dialled balance enquiry. immediatly after that I get a message saying that " Thank you for downloading " yeh dua hai" song and you have been charged Rs 15/ for this song.
When I called customer care to clarify this{complaint no MAR 8766], I get a response saying that I downloaded this song at 8.30 am today morning. Interestingly I was in the flight from delhi to bangalore at this time.
This is how MTS makes money by looting its customers. imagine everyday if they loot even 1 out of 10 customers across the country, their daily expenses of running the company is taken care of.
I also understand many telecom companies does the same in prepaid sectors and MTS is the worst.
I have disconnected my MTS line from immediate effect and request all of you to never take a connection from MTS ever.
they are the bloody worst and their customer support stinks.
Nithin Hegde