If there was any programme that may be said to be bordering on the hopeless and senseless then the MTV programme MTV bakra wins hands down.
The show started off with Cyrus as the main prankster and was till the time it was a new programme manageable and fun but now one finds that the show is going nowhere and it is best to be taken off air.
The reason is quite apparent as the show now makes and cracks jokes (practically) on hapless poor men on the street, who does not even no that he is being made the scapegoat.
The other reason is that jokes itself are crude and for the whacko type, which cannot be expected of such a nice MTV
channel. i.e., the Channel has really stooped to the lowers levels to provide entertainment when it can use the same time to provide quality songs and videos, which should be its first and foremost priority by being a music channel
Cyrus is also wasting his time and talents (in one of the episodes of Bakra Cyrus almost got scrapped by a guy, while pulling his leg) by being associated with such a programme and till now missing in actions in other favourite programmes, where he is at his best.
I wish MTV plays good songs and nothing else and scrap this bakra business.