MTV programs have gone down the drain & Jackass is the worse mtv show ever. The guyz, most of them appear to be morons, do things that are they think are dumbest funniest things in the world. They film these stunts & make it into a program called Jackass !
The leader is Johnny Knoxville who has a band of stupid krazy men (occasionally theyve a woman on their team] doing all sorts of stupid sick & unimaginable things. I happened to see this show by chance, as it aired right after another reality show The Osbournes. The first time I saw JA, I couldnt believe what I was seeing. There was this guy in a sumo diaper (which kept falling down) trying to wrestle with a huge sumo wrestler, each time he lost he was spanked with a stick on his back by another guy ! I thought that the people doing those outrageous stunts were insane. I couldnt take my eyes off the TV coz I wanted to see what the hell is happeng in this show? It was only later that I realised that these acts were supposed to be funny & its a regular show been aired in usa. Some of the earlier acts were okay, after the initial shock but then they have become worse & totally senseless. Covering themselves with dog poo & asking people on streets to hug them, competing to eat raw eggs where puking them out is allowed, in one of the episodes Johnny took a manila envelope & cut between his toes and fingers. Absolutely disgusting !
The guy who calls himself Steve-O, is the craziest Jackass. Not because his body is covered with tattoos but he does some pretty sick stuff, too. He walks a rope tied over a pit of crocodiles & he allows his teammates to staple JACKASS papers chits on his reared & tested self defense weapons on himself ! In the other members is a guy Chris who doesnt perform many stunts but is mostly shown dancing around wearing nothing but a thong bikini & checking out peoples reaction to that.
The show stealer is - Bam Margera, who is literally torturing his parents - he plays loud music in his fathers bedroom to wake him up but dad is worse than our Kumbakaran. Well, we dont understand how this is supposed to be funny? Once he put a live alligator in his parents kitchen so he can get his mom to fk on camera. He also set up a hidden camera aimed at the family toilet ! The worse stunt was when Bam took a dip in the local sewage !! That was really the grossest stunt done on JA & his moms reaction was sad ! She was asking her son Why do u have to do this? & he replies bcoz I can. Later when he comes back home, she refused to let him in with his smelly self. Serves you right Bam !
The worse thing about the show is surely the stunts which involve animals ! Though there is a note saying that none of the animals were put in real danger, it is so obvious to the viewer that these animals are being abused. Naturally, there isnt any question of seeking permission from the animals but its clear that they are being used against their will. There was one episode where a pet crocodile was put to sleep & one of the guyz was trying to scare of people on the pavement. It was truly a sad scene. I wonder why these cruelty against animals organisation have not yet taken up a case on Jackass !
Each episode ends with a notice requesting people not to send them video similar to their stunts, as they will not entertain such videos. I guess that means there are people who would go to stupid, immature limits to copycat these stunts of practical jokes involving physical danger. Ive stopped watchg this show but have read that Jackass is now a movie & has broken some box office records in USA ! This says so much about some pagle amerikis & their taste for paagalpan ;)