.... When ur feelin LOW and DOWN put on MTV LOVELINE ....
instantly within minutes you will realise that your lifes problems are NOTHING compared to the ones who call up and take advice from :
CYRUS : who at any point of time gives sum crazyee distorted solution
MALAIKA : 3 minutes after watching those legs you realise thats all there is to her ... sumone UP there forgot to give her a brain ... and if there is one theres NO GREY matter ...
anyways its one program which no sane person can stand for more than 10 mins, (5 mins more with MUTE button on ) ... !!!
Frankly MTV should keep this concept and invite sum more realistic calls ... and have someone who can replace malaika ASAP with some more style and sense ... im sure its not so difficult to find pretty gals with brains is it ... ???
signing off with a statutory warning : PLEASE SWITCH OFF BRAIN before SWITCHIN ON this MTV LOW LINE ...