Everybody must know about loveline but only on mtv.its may by songs or theoretically
Love Is ...
Love is just a four letter word with so many meanings behind it.
Love is only a once in a lifetime offer.
Love is stronger than pride, so when you love someone, tell them and never let go.
Love is like a box of chocolates. You dont know how good it is till they are all gone.
Love is like an hourglass with the heart filling up as the brain empties.
Love is like art... the more you practice the better it gets.
Love is a gift, not an obligation, follow your heart and always trust the person you love.
Love is like air... its not important unless its not there!
Love is the way I feel when I cant imagine my life without you.
Love is friendship set to music.
Love is like pizza, when its good, its really good. When its bad, Its still pretty good.
Love is an endless act of forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
Love is a moment that lasts forever.
Love is a promise, once given, never forgotten, never let it disappear.
Love is when you stop saying nonsense things and can simply be silent.
Love is life and you are the light of my life.
Love is like the sun, even if you reach it you have to put up with a few blisters.
Love is you!
Love is...when two people dont like to be apart, they want to share everything heart to heart.
Love is the blood of the heart, and the drink of the soul.
Love is never lost. If not reciprocated it will flow back and soften and purify the hear.
Love is like war, easy to begin but hard to end
Love is about making happy... not being happy
Love is when you cry, when you laugh, when you smile... Love is when you dream
Love is the only thing that can be divided with out being diminished.
Love is just one word, but it has too many meanings.
Love is a perfume you cannot pour onto others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Love is when you wake up thinking of no one else but, that person!
Love is when your heart beats a trillion times a minute when ever you are with that person.
Love is touch, touch is love. Love is feeling, feeling love. Love is knowing, knowing is love.
Love is like a sweet flower, true love is a sweet rose...
Love is when you love him or her more then you need him or her.
Love is not a feeling... Love is an everlasting committment
Love is life, and I shall live!
Love is running into your one true love after 20 years and it feels like only yesterday you were in his arms.
Love is a gift, follow your heart and always trust the person you love.
Sometimes the heart sees what the eyes cant.
There will always be that special place in my heart open to only you.
If you love someone, love from the depth of your heart.
Dont let your mind rule over your heart...
I wish that when I gave someone my heart, I could see whether or not they kept it or threw it away.
Listen to your heart, for it knows the truth
A womans heart is an ocean of secrets.
Theres always a reason behind a lovers fight; whether to know how they love or to make them drift apart.
A lovers eyes will gaze an eagle blind.
Pain is the price lovers pay.
A great lover is not one who loves many, but one who loves one woman for life.
In lovers sky, all stars are eclipsed by the eyes of the one you love...
There are moments when lovers need to be apart, in order to love better and more completely.
This is true love. Do you think this happens everyday?
The heart and the soul must bind together to make true love.
With true love comes no doubts, no jealousy, and no worries.
It may take a lifetime to find true love, but when you do, you will have an eternity to share it.
If you never had a broken heart, you have not yet experienced true love.
Nothing compares with the finding of true love, because once you do your heart is complete.
If you truly love her, if you ever break-up, your heart will always go on. That is true love.
The course of true love never did run smooth.
Go ahead and say it-I love you- you can say it a thousand times. But true love doesnt need to be told.
Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while.