Non stop hits is very intresting show in MTV Channel. bcz whenever I avail in house then full timpe pass and entertainmen with this channel, but other channel aslo running withs, then automatically get bore. so mtv think is diffrent, speciall all shows will full entertainment and full time pass, like etc., (Hero Honda Rodies 5.0) very special show of mtv. other is gossup very intrest show in mtv and all anchors are full experienced and very freely moving. syrus, and nikhil are very experinced anchors. bcz I have been watching to them for 10 years. when I switch on tv first open mtv channel with remote, then after go to other channel. I am very very intrest and very great mtv for show is "fully faltoo", this show is very great, bcz duplicate heros and cricketers sponsored and this think is very diffrent to mtiv, very very great for this show .Amitab is very excellent character and suitable for this show.thankyou very muc to mtv and mouthshut .com for explained about mtv channel.