This is anjalibeing a music lover wat should I say abt this channel once it was my favouite channel but now most vulgarity ever seenever thought of such things going on with there is no good music played all sorts of stupid things all --boring songs repetation of same songs daily irritated to watch the
channel no old songs are played disgusting totally its rediculous no words abt this channel music channel means playing all sorts of songs wat ever it is may be but it be of some refreshing one not repetations always makes a person to loose intrest in a particular channel
a channel should always impress all sorts of generations not only youngsters but all television is watched by all persons channels should have a special meaning to attract people of all kindsso music refreshes all sorts of minds there is no person in this world who hates music there r people who love to hear music all the time
so its gud to have gud music gud health obvious to every one so I request to put gud music instead of all new
songs as old is gold no one can beat old songs there have ever lasting fragrance in them after all those songs r gud to hear alwayssever we r where ever we might be but songs which
have depth in them cant be forgettable its a reborn song always no words i would say one thing mtv is melodies television I use to think but it is a mass television instead of melody all things
which dosent suit to be shown up on screen would add a disadvantage to the channel mtv gr8 musical channel would lead to a boring
channel in forth coming gererations