I have grown very tired of Reality TV. And The Osbournes have really shattered my last nerve. It isnt so much that The family is dysfunctional, it is the fact that MTV scrapes from the bottom of the barrell every day.
I do not find it ammusing how Ozzy stumbles about suffering from The shakes I actually find it disgusting that they all cash in on alcoholism like that.
What is even more disgusting is their homely daughter Kelly embarking on her SINGINGcareer. She has the worst voice, and the only reason she got a record deal is because of her mommy and daddy.
And I really hate all the dog feces. Are they too absorbed in their fame and money to house train any of those dogs?
This is the first review I posted ever so forgive me if it isnt very professional sounding.
I am not certified critic or anything like that! LOL
Oh yeah, I am notorious for typos. So all apologies for bad spelling and the like.