First of all, here is a list of some of the main characters:
Leonato: governer of Messina
Hero: Leonato’s daughter
Beatrice: Hero’s cousin
Don Pedro: Prince and military leader
Don John: his evil step brother
Claudio: a soldier, loves Hero
Benedick: another soldier, loves Beatrice
This is one of Shakespeares plays which I liked. It is easier to read than other of his plays. This play takes place in Messina. The main characters are Hero, Claudio, Benedick and Beatrice. Benedick and Beatrice like each other, but they don’t want to show their feeling for each other. They are always in a battle of wits against each other.
Don Pedro, a military leader, returns to Messina after fighting a small war against his step brother, Don John. Now, D. Pedro has won and reconciled with his brother. But still, D. John is bitter against his brother and wants revenge. Meanwhile, D. Pedro returns with his army to the governer of Messina, Leonatos estate. Leonato urges D. Pedro and his army to stay at his estate for at least a month. D. Pedro agees. THis whole play takes place during this month.
Meanwhile Claudio, a soldier in D. Pedros army, falls in love with Hero, the daugher of Leonato. But, he is afraid to propose to her. He tells D. Pedro about his problem and Pedro decides to help him. At the masked ball, D. Pedro will woo Hero in Claudios name. But, one of D. Johns servants overhear their plan and tell it to D. John. D. John thinks this is a good time to draw Hero and Claudio apart. At the party, D. John tries to make Claudio think that D. Pedro has wooed Hero for himself. But, later things are cleared out and Hero is going to marry Claudio. Also at the ball, D. Pedro and the others decide to make Beatrice and Benedick fall in love with each other.
Their plan to make Beatrice and Benedick fall in love is a success. Both of them overhear the others telling them that they love each other. Benedick overhears D. Pedro and others talking about how Beatrice loves him. Beatrice also overhears Hero telling someone that Benedick loves Beatrice. They both decide that they will return each other’s love.
Because D. John’s plan didn’t work, he tries another one. One of his servents decides that they will show Claudio and D. Pedro that Hero has been unfaithful to Claudio. D. John takes them at midnight to Hero’s window. There they see some other man with someone who looks like Hero. But it isn’t Hero. However, Claudio and D. Pedro are mistaken and think Hero is unfaithful.
On the day of Claudio and Hero’s wedding, Claudio publicly himiliates Hero and walks away. Benedick, Leonato, Beatrice and the friar however, side with Hero and know she is innocent. The friar takes pity on Hero and suggests a plan. He suggests to Leonato and others pretend that Hero has died because of Claudio’s actions. If Claudio really loves Hero, he will be sad and sorry. Then, Leonato will tell Claudio to marry a girl chosen by Leonato. Claudio agrees to this and the girl chosen by Leonato is Hero herself.
They both get married, Benedick and Beatrice also get married, and Don john is caught.
This is a short summary. There are other characters and they help advance the plot of this play. THere are many puns and humorous lines in this play, especially between Beatrice and Benedick. It is a very short play, although as with other Shakespearean plays, it might take some time to finish reading. It is one of Shakespeare’s best comedies.