the winner of the J.K.Rowling fan site award for july 2005.Which in itself says how good the site must be.
But even then, im gonna explain why in my following review.
Since 2001 I have been captured by the HarryPotter mania and it just keep getting bigger and bigger.I am a big fan of the books and also the movies.So when one fine day, theres nothing to do.I search for harry pottter fansites and theres hunderedthousands of them out there!! and I only found mugglenet to be my favorite.
It has a main page which shows the latest HP news.Like right now, it is informing its visitors about the upcoming HP movie:The order of the Phoenix. So....we have new stills and the newest and first promotional poster for the movie and more info on the books and more.
There is a fan fiction area where there are TONS of theories and loads of predictions of what may happen in the upcoming books, Theres a harry potter encyclopedia, There is a loong interview with J.K.Rowling which may satisfy many people keen to know more about the unfolding secrets of the books.
There is a fan art section with many talents and an exhaustive overview of all the 6 books.There info about the movies too.
Then there is the poll which has questions like:which is the cheesiest scene in HP movies?
There are many different layouts put up so you dont have to put up with the same boring thing when you come back here.
This site is too much stuffed with things which are a treat for an avid HP fan.
But if you are just a fan and dont think much of going to a fansite which is overdone in many ways then all you can do is log in once a week to find any new info on the books and movies which are given more priority.
I know that any harry potter fan doesnt just sit and wait for infiormation to come his way.You go about finding it.
Thanks for reading, check out the site and put in you comments.