Plot : - A man who was convinced that his time to be depart this world has come and his glum middle aged son who is busy crunching numbers and meeting deadlines
Cast performance : - power house performances especially from the subline Adil hussain and Geetanjali kulkarni, as his wife.
The light hearted maner which shubhashish bhutiani discusses old age disillusion
Sound track : - with great music the movie is mind blowing. After hearing the soundtrack of mukti bhawan I got goosepumbs
Cinematography : - Mukti bhawan is written and directed by subhashish bhutiani.
With good cinematography( locations) the movie is over all good.
The story of a movie is Rajeev( adil hussain) takes his father Daya( lalit behl) to mukti bhawan in banaras on his multiple request. They two start living in a room facing the ganga ghat. While Daya waits for his life to end and achieve salvation in the due course of time. Daya mingles with his old fellow mates over meals and hymns.
Meanwhile lata ( Geetanjali kularni) Rajeevs wife and daughter Sunita ( palomi ghosh) visits him and daya to banaras, they two plead to daya to get back home but to no avail . soon after Daya sends his son rajeev to city back and decides to live alone in mukti bhawan.