Hello Evryone,
I am not hear to change anybodys views.. but just to tell you some facts. I dont think Dakshata, you will understand cuz its too much for your brain to take. But still let me try.
Dakshata, for once try and be professional.. just for once and stop pin pointing at people [I had to pin point at you cuz unless we tell you on your face you do not understand what they mean].
By taking names of ppl from our college we came to know of your professionalism.
You are talking about you spending almost 3 yrs in MET.... I have spent my the entire 3 yrs in MET which gives me much more right to talk about it than you..
Yes, it is indeed the Best Place, for student to learn. Indeed!!! Let me bring to your notice.. what the student learns
If you have plenty of money.... join MET.. you wouldnt have to bother about spending it.. cause at the end of 3 yrs you will be left with none.
How to lose your self respect in front of these ppl who care a sh*t about you.. but claim to do so.
How to keep crying for getting a job.. with no fault of yours but because of the incompetency and incapability of the placement officer to place anybody.
The list goes on and on and on...
Yes, she [Dakshata] is right. discipline is a must and it should be there... but discipline does not mean screaming, howling, acting like a hooligan....
Discipline needs to be inculcated and not enforced. Which you guys at MET tried to do.
And Mr Apte..... must be a good.. but believe me he has no class of his own.. and even if he buys it from somwhere he wouldnt be able to retain it for long.
I dont want to say much about our prinicpal.. considering her age.... also, no mtter how much anybody on this earth tries they wouldnt change because she has lived with her principles for a lot many yrs. But one thing Mrs Sunita, its the 21st century ..... and not the age of Adam and Eve.
Dakshata I have agreed to almost everything you said.. but one correction..... NO ONE FROM MET HAS EVER THOUGHT ABOUT THE BENEFIT OF ANY STUDENT.
Faculties who have to prove what they have done for their student are no faculites after all.. It should come from the student.. and not try and get it out of them forcefully.
You are talking about the quality of students.. as far as I know you couldnt place a few top rankers of our class [cuz according to you quality = marks].. who neither had any sifarish, no quota.. nothing.... what do you have to say about them.
Let me now tell you the quality of our placement officer... kanakhali vajuv ka was her favorite phrase.. now in such a high esteemed college how could someone stand this, we students did for 3 yrs.
MET did try, yes MET did try at all the levels to give KTs to student whne no college had internal KTs our estemeed college managed to give 13 KTs in internals
Yes every college had attendance compulsory no doubt, but because you are slow in teaching you expect the students to keep coming till the last few days.. no ways!
Dakshata, you were requesting the viewers not to judge MET by students [recent passouts] right, but by the ex-employees, but the students taking admission are not going to be faculties they are going to be joining as students so you saying anything is as good as useless for them.
Some of your chamachas might disagree... but its their wish to do so. But belive me I do not want to be in the clan which supports anyhting that MET does. so its our duty to tell them. Cause we do not want them to suffer the way we did.
So all those who wish to join these esteemed college are free to do so.... but at your own risk....
Loss of money, KTs, a disgusting feeling, a low salaried job... or no job at all.. is all you will land up with.
NO exaggeration would also like to share statistical facts:
We had a class of 60 student out of which 25-29 were placed by MET.
The 29 is an upper bound.. it will be less but still.
So is the case with juniors.
No comments about any other course offered by MET
I do not want to reveal my name for 2 reasons:
I do not want to continue this thread.. I have written whatever I wanted to write.... nothing more.. but yes definitely less.
probably I am scared.. cuz I am satisifed with what I am doing now... and I dont want these things to affect me there.
All these things mentioned here are to be taken as views and not a thread to start a fight
However to end my note I am thankful to MET for one thing -- for not hvaing placed me cuz God knows in which dirt I would have been [with no offense to all those of you who have been placed by MET... though wont be many].
Always remember.. nobody has free time for anybody.. but the fact that a few ppl have taken out time to tell you some facts....not because they had nothing to do but because they feel you shouldnt suffer the way they did.
The ball is in your court......
Regarding Pros and Cons.....
Pros.... what are they
Cons: listed above
Quality Of Academic Program: Marked as Average cuz some [1-2] professors were good.
Quality Of Adminsitration: Marked as poor. Can write a another review on this
Extracurricular Activities: You think with the increasing numbe rof KTs this was possible
Alumini: Again after all this, do you think any student would want to keep in touch with this college.