MET, that where I met myself, understood myself and yes and also I met my career goals.
A PGMBA (Major in Personnel Management) student for the batch of 1998-2000.
Went thorough a rigorous brainstorming exercises which naturally was put by the seniors, colleagues professors and not to forget , my director Mr. Page (pronounced as Paghe).
From day one, I did not see myself as a lonely person, but learnt my way of being a Team .And thats what any B school needs to imbibe. Now that could also be teaming to get your cultural events organized, which was a little difficult. BUT the Team Spirit got it in. Everyone understood each others traits and attributes and got themselves moulded in the performance of a B-School shaping.
As per my knowledge, the infrastructure has been also been more modernized, but yes we did have centrally air conditioned classes which naturally had to be booked well in advance. Moreover this had a direct effect into the grasping power as the lectures went on from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. Though for heavy eaters it was a snoozing place in the Library, which was silent as well as full knowledgeable books. I have this fair idea that now the students are also given laptops, which we have dreamt of having it. Moreoever the Seminar hall is the heart of the MET which is state of the art built. I feel that now there is a good built canteen and swimming pool too.
I feel that the whoever professors taught and students learnt during my time have been in leading position or have become entrepreneurs of the time.
Like my HRD professor Mr. Gogte is the Director of Hyderabad B-School. My favorite and everyone?s favorite young professor , Mr. Kalim Khan is the Asst. Director to the Rizvi Management School in Bandra. Till date he is the same and with is Probability Theorems being shared to his students.
About the students, since I graduated in Personnel Management (mainly females) are also doing very well into the Corporate HR .Right from companies like Hutch, Efunds, Datamatics, Zarca Interactive, Netdecisions and many more. If you also have a glimpse picture of a person in the IDEA Cellular Jockey commercial, which has this person in specs sitting in the boring meeting, is my own batch mate Sudhendra Sharma who had majored in marketing and I can see what he does now to earn his living.Hey also John Abraham is also the product of MET.(Though very senior batch).My other batch mates have also opened up event management firm like PAMMS and ACE Entertainment. And many are in companies like Lintas, Percept and HLL
The above examples just proves the fact that innovation, leadership, out of the box thinking being recognized and mirrored my MET which has got us into prominent places.
Since I belong to the B-School of MET (which is called AMDC), I could speak much of that. But yes am also aware that the METs IIT (CDAC), ranks amongst 2nd after Pune CDAC.There is the Pharmacy section and other small schools. The main reason is due to their aggressive placement, Industry experience professors and yes the infrastructure.
BUT yes even the roses have thorns and so this institute has like any other B- School. The back door entry with power of vitamin M.A little of bureaucracy as it is been run by the runners or the state.
But, everyone plays it part and achieves its requirement and are in the industry performing and I feel thats what it counts.