I have completed my MCA from METs ICS. Having been there and done it, my advice to any person interested in doing an MCA here would be actually in the form of a question :
Why do you want to waste your Time + Money + Honour ??
There are easier ways of doing the Above.
MCA at MET, was a dark chapter of my life. I hope that no-one else in the right frame of mind, should ever opt for an MCA here.
The Professors and underqualified and naive.
The resources look good to a by stander, but to those who actually use them......ha.
The overall attitude from peon, security to the top (Principal) is extremly kiddish and derogative.
It could be summed up by saying that the lowermost forms of life at MET are students who are doing MCA there. So you can understand what treatment to expect.
Bottomline : Dont do MCA at MET
But if you do, Beware of these SOBs
Administrator : Apte ($% $%^%^&^##@ @#@ )
Faculty : Dakshata
Faculty : Bhawana Gupta (The Biggest #@$#@$ of them all)
and all the rest of the pack.