I remember the days even in pre-degree (12th standard) we all do the preparation to go out of the country (to work)as soon as possible after the graduation. This is basically because of hopelessness lurking around at that time in India at every level. Also it is so happened that majority of alumni students in our college work either in Gulf or Western countries.
As I followed the same path of other students, settled in life quickly, eventually forgotten about those problems living in India. Now only problem is when you come to India for vacation- when you get out of the plane at International airport in India.
In the airport Everybody was looking like robbers and acted like too. Somebody grabbed and opens the luggage, another person robbed some of the items from the bag. Interrogations from the people in the uniform until you hand over bundle of currency notes. Oh boy what is happening in this INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT? Is this international airport or harassment and psychological torture center? There is no one to protect us and our belongings? Everyone will get some kind of phobia in that place, irrespective of how strong you are - physically, mentally or financially.
Anyways this is the common experience everybody may be facing. Getting looted from licensed robbers.
Another time there was a blood bath for luggage carts, since very few carts were available. It is better to be away from the fighting for luggage carts, and become your own coolie and somehow lift the baggage or drag them may be 50 to 100 ft. (You will be lucky if it is not ripped off in the conveyer belt.)
The smell: Majority of the people may be wondering about unique smell inside the airport. This smell is the blend of - smell from the toilet, smoking and A/C air circulated again and again. I don’t know how old is the airport, hence can not tell how old the smelly air.
Finally Government has stepped in to take Giant and Bold step. That is – to Expand the Mumbai and Delhi Airports. Everybody welcomed the move of the government, except a few. Some who oppose are the people who employed (employed does not mean they are really working) in the airport. These people can be persuaded by the government – by retaining workers based on their performance (one and only criteria)
Another biggest blow to the government’s decision is a lawsuit from a company which wants to EAT all the benefits. THIS IS THE REAL COLOUR of the “RICH and VIBRANT CULTURE of India” (I really mean by that) and THIS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM for development. Some people are only creating problems and not giving any solutions. This is called “by HOOK or CROOK” stopping the development for their own benefits.
Now the priority is to have international quality Airport. When the government is having enough foreign exchange it needs to be utilized in proper way, instead of giving contract to incompetent and corrupt local businesses (Needless to say about the cheap quality Roads and bridges built by local corrupt contractors)
It has taken a wise decision by giving contracts to International vendors who have much better experience, which will give competition to local GREEDY business people and drive them(not out of business but) to run the business in professional manner.
Mark my word - Airports in India will not be expanded for another 100 years.