I dont understand why anyone would want to read a movies review which has such a fabulous cast (surprisingly, even Soha is good!). One look at the poster should be enough to pull you to the theatres. The poster entirely sums it up-Different people from diverse backgrounds, in different situations, yet caught in the same web.
With the 7/11 Mumbai blasts as the backdrop, it shows the anguish and pent-up anger of a common man. A thought-provoking movie with excellent script, it cleverly interweaves many lives to create this fabulous fabric of a movie. It shows the domino effect of anger and pain. Whenever a person is wronged, he tends to take out his fustration on someone else. It goes on till he realises how much pain and suffering he has unknowingly caused. And someone has to take the initiative to put an end to it.
The movie also showcases the human tendency of doubting everyone and everything when things go wrong. The best part of the movie, however, is the way it gives a tight slap in the face to todays senseless media. The scene where a reporter says-"Do you think Rupali would be able to come out of this personal tragedy? SMS RDRY for Yes and RDRN for No" -send shivers! Hats off to everyone involved in the movies making.However, a word of caution. The blast scenes can be very graphic and disturbing for some people. On the whole, this movie is a must watch.