Now this may sound like a very high ended non feasible approach to Infrastructure problems but I believe it can work.
Mumbai, being the commercial capital of the country, and a land of opportunity for all the people around India is without question the most popular destination for the ambitious and industrious in India. The Metropolitan region development authority will always be 20 steps behind the demands being placed on the Transport and Infrastructure services in the city owing to constant influx of population.
I personally feel that improving the Telecom and Internet Infrastructure within this country and promoting the working from home model for IT and other services sectors would definitely reduce the need for the working community to travel and will help them put their commuting time to more productive use, improving their standard of living in the process. Professionals in the IT and services sector are increasingly used to interacting with their onsite peers or peers within offices in other cities within India. This competency is being highly demanded by several job opportunities.
A recent report by McKinsey & Co. states that the impending issue and crisis for the economic development of India will be the exhaustion of the reachable and available talent pool within the country. There are hordes of talented individuals in the non-metro cities within India who have to relocate else compromise on their career ambitions. By making it possible for them to work remotely from their cities, it would be possible to increase the size of the talent pool and the work force overall.
Another effect of such an infrastructure would be the disemmination of information and education to remote corners of the country where there is a dearth of good quality or modern educational institutions. With decreasing costs of affording computers and by ensuring thin client architecture the possibilities of securing a bright economic future for India are plenty.
I see the government and PSUs playing a big role in this initiative. Akashwani and Doordarshan already have a reach across the span and depth of India. A feasibility analysis could be done, how effective and efficient would it be if Wireless Internet connections were available across certain potential regions (possibly free of cost). Within Metro cities where currently one observes several towers facilitating wireless telecommunication, it should be easier if not effortless. In addition, tax breaks could be given to firms promoting working from home (in return for their help in reducing the demands on Transport and infrastructure while commuting to work). The benefit to the environment and the savings in the tons of gallons of fuel that we burn everyday for going to work are also strong motivations in support for this venture.
Philly is going wireless soon and so is San Fransisco. And dont tell me that can only happen in America because in terms of Telecommunications we are far ahead of them. If you think its impossible check out this article on Newyork Public Radio :