Im referring to this -§id=15&contentid=200707030239125468859e591#
Recently, a guy stabbed a girl, Sushma Nikam, in full view of public in Mumbai. Times group carried the story in "The times of India" as well as "The Mumbai mirror". But what really shameful of them was publishing the picture of the crime which shows the wounded girl, soaked in blood and the attacker behind her.
Times group then goes ahead and publishes an article today, with the heading
"Mumbai has become a city of eunuchs". They raise a voice against the public, who did nothing to help the badly wounded girl. Fair enough BUT
What are they(The times group) then? What was their photographer doing? All he wanted to do was get money and clicked the picture. Why didnt he step in to stop the attacker or help the badly wounded girl, who yesterday succumbed to her injuries.
If the times group say he wasnt their photographer, then why did they even use the gory picture? For more readers? Can such a reputed publishing house fall so low? Can they loose all humanity for money/readership?
Its disgusting to see all this happening in our country. Public does nothing to help a girl, who kept bleeding for over 10mins. The cops have still not taken any action. And the papers keeps repeating the picture(in the print as well as online edition). I feel ashamed to be part of the same industry - journalism.
Imagine the plight of her parents when they must have seen the picture of their daughter all soaked in blood. its shameful times group
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