Floods in Mumbai?
26th July 2005, a day to be remembered in history, ummm its just 1 month now and its in history.
26th July 2005, Afternoon 2.30 pm: heavy rains, water started pouring down and logging.
I was in Mazgaon office and my elder son was in school, wife called up in school, but phone was busy for almost 2 hours, she called up, school bus office and asked about if the schools leaving early, she was told that, school has already left and school bus wont be coming down to drop our kids, we have to go and pick up our kids, when she went to school, there was only 1 foot water logged, but when she returned from school on the same road in 15 minutes, water was 3 foots, and they have to get in a tempo, and they too started getting drowned in water, then, tempo was almost in water, that means 10 foot water, and it was 5.30 pm, till then no rescue workers had arrived, whole night they passed on that tempo top and I was myself on the way walking worriedly, I saw with my own eyes rescue team arriving at 4.00 am, what says Commissioner of police, that they got boats all the way from Jodhpur, sounds funny isn’t it? As if they don’t get boats at Gateway, you get to see many speed boats at gateway which can be transferred easily, but Roy says he got it from Jodhpur.
I would have questioned him,
What were they doing till 4.00 Am, and why he needed to get boats from Jodhpur?
Were they waiting for more peoples to drown and die?
V. Deshmukh says he is trying hard to help peoples, but in fact it seems like he wanted to see the condition more critical, more worst so he can grab more money from Prime Minister and attract foreign help? And in this way he can make his own earning more and more.
You can see still there is lot of things to be done, Ambvli place after Kalyan this is situated 1 station before Titwala, Our team reached there on the 4 day to provide help, situation is so badly effected that peoples are staying on railway station of Ambvli, they don’t have food to eat, they don’t have more then one dress to wear, and according to our data, almost all house was washed out by floods, imagine a tanker getting washed out, and peoples ambvli says that no one have reached there to help, and to provide food and medicine, and our CM(cheap minister) says that they are helping everyone.
And ya I have pictures of ambvli which our team clicked if anyone wants to see, please let me know.
Recently Midday news paper office was attacked by congress mans because they wrote the fact about deshmukh the CM, what had happened was he had visited kurla to provide help food etc., and he went in such houses who were safest, nothing had effected those house, and see this funny CM going and giving help to those houses and getting his pictures clicked, when Midday writes fact story, they attacked midday, how disgusting CM.
Well we vote for our safety, so that they can help us whenever we need help, but we don’t get help.
Whom to trust? And why should we trust?
Sonia Gandhi visited kurla and she was in kurla for 11 minutes, 4 minutes on mithi river and 7 minutes at sakinaka, gave same old false promises to peoples and fled.
You know what? Peoples should catch this CM’s and this ministers and make them stay in such places like kurla and sakinaka and ambvli and provide them same food and water which the common peoples are using, then they will get to know what is the situation peoples are going through.
haha plastic bags to be banned, what an excuse, just see they are not ready to accept their mistakes, so they are blaming us and plastic bags, plastic bags were banned few years ago, but what happened was it effective, no not at all, its used as it was, why? Bloody corrupt system, money works and it worked and now plastic bags are been targeted reason for the choking up of their gutters, but they wont accept that they never clean their choked nalas and gutters, and if at all they clean it they just dump it by the side of gutters, again to get in gutters and they pick it after 3 days.
At the end request to everyone, wakeup peoples wakeup and ask these Ministers and Cm’s accounts of their deeds and work they do towards peoples which we deserve, if we don’t ask them, this ministers and politicians take us for granted.
Stay Awake