Mumbai is the most ranking city of India and this is the first ranking city of India.In this city you can find anything which you want. The population of this city is above 1. 5 crore and it is the 2nd most populated city the 1st is Beijing and 2nd is Mumbai.
In another name we all are know that Mumbai is the filmy world and film industry big star are living in this city. The roadlines are available to go anywhere in India by mumbai-pune link to go any other cities of India through NH- 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 , 17 and by plane of shivaji chhatrapati terminal airport you can go anywhere also by railway shivaji chhatrapati railway station also you can go any another city of india. Mumbai is the city of Maharastra state.
Their language is marthi hindi english etc it is the nice city of India The fresh and clean city and Indias most highest ranking city is Mumbai all the latest items are available in Mumbai and most expensive company are available in Mumbai and ocean view bridge also exist in Mumbai like worlds richest cities los angeles, london, new york, san francisco, dubai, kualalampur, singapore etc we all are know the former name of Mumbai was Bombay. The Bollywood word comes from Bombay.