A decent, laff-a-minute entertainer. I loved it. I think, the audience in that show (at Satyam, Chennai) also loved it - I could see most of them laughing out aloud many times.
Its packed with sharp and witty dialogue. The twists and turns are superb. A classic Kamal comedy.
All the main artists have done well. Manisha comes across as a bit stiff in Tamil - may be she was okay in Hindi.
The biggest sore point was the video quality - I think Kamals experiment failed miserably. It was like seeing a pirated, camera-print VCD in an Akai TV.
And, I dont think I would be comfortable about seeing it with my kids. With friends, definitely. Not that theres vulgarity, but I wont approve of them wanting to know how one can have two wives, who is a keep, etc.
I didnt understand why they keep showing the planes every now and then - is it important to the film?