An Above Average Movie which is currently Running 60th Day. Good performances by Comedian Ganesh who though is a perfect fit for comedy roles however can take up Ajay Devgan kind of roles. The Kannada version of Mallika Shehrawat is average and no different from her Hindi version except that she does not shed clothes in this movie. God knows why Jai Jadish took up such a minnow 2 min role, whereas Anant Nag has unsuccessfully attempted to portray himself as a strict Retired Army officer.
Rest all seems to be TV artist who are trying to cash bucks on special character roles on the silver screen.
The best part of the movie is its Music and that makes is special. Though none of the dialogues are New yet they make a little impact by the way they are delivered and the timing and the situation in which they are delivered. The Camerawork is breathtaking and those who havent seen the world famous Jog falls will enjoy this and those who have already seen it will want to see it again.
The Camera technician has used his Hollywood expertise of special photography. The Storyline…sorry…nothing new… There is a dearth of stories in all movies. With over a lakh movie produced in past 50 years in Indian film industry, there are no stories left. The sequences and events in the movie are purely unbelievable and a step above fantasy. Just a brief narration for those who are yet to see this movie.
Hero a spoiled brat see’s the divine beauty outside a shopping mall and while he madly stares her, he slips into Gutter where her car is parked. Papa Heroine tries to pull the dirty hero out and halfway leaves him and her expensive watch for the hero to trace her.A clean hero later tries to search her by running in the same store, lift at the same time along with the heroine, who too is looking for the same or identical watch. Our hero approaches Radio Mirchi by instantly connecting and spreading message about the watch and his heart.
Though our lovely heroine is sitting in a nearby food court and listen the FM 98.3 broadcast, yet she appears but not before a huge crowd piles up, police arrives, and even the villain too. Finally Hero’s father arrives and whisks him away.Hero is accompanying his mother on a trip to Coorg where the car breaks down. A running truck spills the stranded rainwater and the hero is dirty or rather Black again. In a fit of rage while he tries to run and chase the truck he encounters the heroine again.
Amazing !! whats she doing on Shiradi Ghat??? She pity’s and laughs of and offers the poor dirty chap an handkerchief and speeds away. Somehow the handkerchief which now has become another prized possession of our hero slips his hand and after traveling long ends up in villains hands. Super Amazing !!! even villain too is at Shiradi Ghat.. An obvious fight breaks out and after all odds and a clogged highway our hero finally manages to get the hanky back.
Hero reaches Coorg and while he is strolling in Madikeri he spots the heroine again and gives his identification with a clean and visible face and delivers her the watch and the hanky as objective evidence. Heroine is amazed but unimpressed by the dialogues delivered by our more than enthu hero who vows to marry her and have kids. Heroine brands him a Nut and leaves the place.While the hero reaches back to the host’s house at some remote Coffee estate, he is surprised to discover that the heroine is none other than the only daughter of the hosts. Wow!! What a punch!
Our Hero is very happy now as he feels that all is superbly falling in place. He delivers a few more intimate dialogues to which the Heroine laughs off. She challenges him to tame his would be father in law who turns out to be a strict retired army officer played by Anant Nag whose first screen appearance in the film is with a glass of Rum and shouting hysterically at undisciplined servants minus the hearing aids. Papa our ‘Young Man’ now has a daunting task to tame the Old Army officer by running behind the officer and participating in official drills and even exposing his sand laden butts to the gunpoint of the Crazy Old man!!
All pays off and the Young Man is successful to capture a place in the heart of the Old Army Man and his wife.
Things are going well on track when our Young man discovers that the young lovely lady is engaged and her marriage is just 7 days away!! Pfffft! All in vein. The disgusted hero decides to return back to Bangalore and while he is returning our Lady laughs and taunts him which hurts his ego and he takes a sharp turn back to Coorg and returns to the place where he threw the watch. A Bunny rabbit having no work in the jungle is sitting next to the watch and guarding the same.
Our hero finds a new friend! A love messenger! Next couple of days the Bunny will play an important role. The Young man is back at the farm house with all his positive energy, though sad by heart and draws up an unknown and un-understandable strategy to capture his lady love against all odds. Tries all silly pranks like dislodging batteries of hearing aid or the Old man, tying 9 yard sari to the balcony of the lovely lady, silly Rabbit-elephant jokes etc.
The young man manages to take the lovely lady to a far place where gets an opportunity to spend time with her where he displays his amazing and dangerously impressive stunts to save the bunny from running over a speeding train. He even carries her to a temple where only her father or the Son in Law of the old man could have carried. Our lovely lady is slowly getting in double mind when in a drunken state (remember our hero earlier was a teetotaler) our hero drains all his emotions and love to her. He struck the right chord!!
Our lady heart melts and she has now changed her mind and has finally understood our hero and is now more than willing to accept him as her newfound love and discarding the Army man which her father chose for her. There is a limitation of 7500 Characters and hence please look at the comments for this article where I have continued the story.