Hi guys ,
i am here to share views on this recent super hitmovie" mungaru male". A lively movie keeps you on the seat for 3 hrs. Comedy time boy "ganesh " has given the best performance and has shown amazing attitude in the movie. Music is "a class apart" shich includes most of the songs sung by bollywood biggies sonu nigam, kunal ganjawala, udit narayan , sunidhi chauhan and shreya goshal. It is a normal love story but directed with great brilliance and difference.
Though the story seems to be no different, other aspects make the movie unique. The best thing is the movie drags you to see come back and see it again and again. choreography is the best. the location of shot are places which are not known and love to go there once.
You just need to watch the camera work in some scenes " especially near water falls" on a big screen.It is definetly something not to miss.
I am not at all a movie freak , and never watch any movie more than once. But this movie has drawn me 2 times.
A brilliant kannada movie approaching a well deserved full house 100 days.