I mean, COME ON GUYS! u cant be thaaaaaaaaaaat eager in the legs, could u now? LOOK AT HER! I have no idea what Mahesh Bhatt has been thinking, or is it his age? If at all he wanted to publicaly reflect his love for Unfaithful, shouldve COPIED the whole bloody movie. What was the not really dead and coming back again drama for? Or maybe he just wanted to add some issspice to the Pikchharrr it seems.
For those of you who havent watched it yet, please get the hint! As for me, dont think I am silly enough, I was unwell and the movie was coming on my cable channel.
Gosh, I mean, if u have doubts and want to compare Oliver Martinez to that Sunny dude, Please watch the movie, and after that get some help. And did we observe how Richard Gere has been an inspiration to Mr Bhatt?
So, hello people...rather go watch a circus show or something .....!!