We went to Murdeshwar after visiting our industrial visit 2months back. . The time we went there it was almost 7pm. The place we specially visited was the murdeshwar temple, it was the 1st time I went to this place and was mesmerised by the beauty of the temple, it is so much big having 2 large elephant statues in the front, a big shiva statue on the bed of the ocean, many statues of moans, krishna on ratha etc. The place is very well maintained. The temple is very beautiful.
There are many hotels near by so there is no problem with accommodation and food.
The local sightseeing are also good there is a beach next to the temple. The safety is good, police will not allow the people to visit the beach after 11pm.and there is thief problems. If you are visiting mangalore then pay a visit here, you will never forget the place.