Only Sunjay Dutt (hopefully the correct public spelling of his name, so he may get good luck) can make couple of gold teeth look cool. And that is the operative word in the whole movie - COOOL. From the titles to the flashy cars to the sultry women to the different shades of black, grey and brown used in the movie to the stylish killin of people, Musafir is all about being cool and talking cool.
So dont expect to get any intellectual kick out of this movie. It is well made, has great music and thankfully has no moral messages at the end.
Worth watching for -
Sunjay dutt - If there was a star born to play a bhai, its him. Hes played about a 100 now, but hey we arent getting bored. From his signature knife wielding (which I am sure will now become a hot selling item) to the cool shades, the jackets and the desi one liners, Billa bhai is probably the heppest don to hit our screens, who sings and loves bollywood movies.
Sameera - Shes one kick girl. Playing the sultry silent lonely wife to the perfection, she s added tons of attitude to the movie. (The song and dance routine - also nicely done). Though it was a little difficult to understand why she would fall for Laaky(as she calls him!) - Anil Kapoor, a very polite gangster in bad need of a shave.
Mahesh Manjrekar - Man, he looks like a crazy goan guy - what more can you say. In the movie - a funny guy with lots of imagination, also wants to get his wife killed.
Billa bhais bike - The closest you can get to a car in two wheels - awesome.
Could have avoided -
The long and stretched out flash back right from Sameeras teenage days...come on, we dont mind if the movie got over in an hour and a half - you dont have to drag it on.
An over polite and ethical gangster- Anil kapoor - always says May I have.... and Thank you to one and sundry. He also nearly kills himself twice or thrice, to stay true to his word. Yet as we understand, he is rough, tough and dirty.
Sunju baba doing the knife thing, even when he is getting shot at by 20 cops, and is himself shooting with the other hand. We all know he is cool, but he cant be that stupid. (Can he be..?)
At least we Indians are quite aware of how much money a standard suitcase can carry (thanks to our administrators). But surely no suitcase will hold enough cash to fly around for 10 minutes all over the Goan coast line..? (Or will it..?)
What the heck...just go watch it.