??Positive sides : -
Price is not very high as compared to the other products like isolate, concentrated etc.
It is worth buying. Go for it. Don't think much .
It is easy to digest, as it contains digestive enzymes.
I haven't face any digestion issues till now, and I'm using the 4th raw whey as well. So don't think too much.
It is easily dissolved in water, milk and any other drinks/shakes/juices.
1 scoop contains 24g of protein, 11.2g of EAAs, 5.2g of BCAAs, 4.2g of Glutamic acid and fat is negligible i.e. 6g of fat in 100g serving.
Also you can check the authenticity by a code given.
?? Negative side: -
To the best of my knowledge only one negative thing is it is tasteless, unflavoured. But you get used to its taste. So not a big issue.
??Hope you like it??