Though I am not an ectomorph since this product is mostly recommended to ectomorphs but still I wanted to gain size to my body so I preferred this Bulk from muscle blaze. Most of the gainers in market are made of chemicals and chemical sugar.
I was against and I am still against gainers since sugars are slow poison to the body as I go with facts for my diet always. But this product did not have much sugars but many vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.
So I though of adding it to my routine diet with the gym. But the expectation was higher from the product and did not even got 1% of it. I used to take 2-3 scoops of this muscle blaze bulk daily and that too with the milk .
So as expected that I would gain weight and size to my body but the effect was almost null. I am very disappointed with the product. I did a lot of research before buying this product. I was really convinced with the thing since the ingredients were very good. Though many people and friends of mine told me to stay away from indian fitness products. But I do not know I went for it had already used two boxes of this 2kg each. Flavours are good. I have tried two of them chocolate and strawberry. But for me taste does not matter. I wanted results but was disappointed since I found zero results. Personally experienced. I dont may be the product would have helped people gain weight and size.
Since I went for the reviews on few sites. As there are positive and negative review to each and everything so was for this product as well but I did find good, positive and healthy reviews too. But as my friends had already warned that indian products and brands need to be avoided for these gym products like whey protein and gainers. I seriously agreed then. I dont know about the rest of the brands like ON or muscletech since I have not personally used them so can not say anything about them whether they will give any results or not but this was almost waste for me. Atleast something as expected of it.I personally don’t recommend this much product. May be it work for anyone but I am not at satisfied. Disappointed seriously with the brand itself now.