First word come in my mind for muscleblaze whey protein is worst money investing on protein. brand is good, muscleblaze give you 100% genuine whey protein no dout fot that but you not give result as you want.
I use many brand but my experience with muscleblaze is bad, not satisfied. I bought this product 2 month ago on
I really like this product is muscleblaze give a scrach code on of the seal to identyfy your product fake or genuine. second think I like in this product is, no suger on it. is very good for those guy build muscle.and dont want to invest money on suger. packing good protein jar. test in water this protein, I felt like parle glucose buscite test. mixability is very good. I dislike this product beacuse, I not get result with good diet as I want. muscleblaze are indian product but price in this product high as other brand product price in her country. ON sale 5lbs whey protein 28000-3000 rupess in Unite state of america and mucleblaze sale 4.4 lbs whey protein 4000-4300 rupess in india. muscle blaze give you 24 gram protein.