If you are a new youtuber or want to make career as profeesional video editor and you dont have money to buy apps then then these apps can make your work easy
1.if you are a youtuber and want make video but no shooting camera to shoot and make people understand then use videoscribe app to draw skech videeos and give your message there are many other apps but this app is easy to work and in saving your project to gallery
since this app is also paid but up to your initial use free version is enough actual problems that comes is in transferring file to gallery it takes very long time
no tension I download an app naming blender which is a pc screen recorder and you can play videos in video scribe and you can record the screen
2.now the problem which comes is recorded video has some unsual things which a proffesional video must not have I will tell you 2 apps which you can use free
actly these apps is not free but crack version of one app you wil get easily and in another app free version has enough thing that you can edit it at proffesional level
A.CAMTASIA-u will get its crack version very easily
B.HIT FIL EXPRESS-its free version has enough fascilities that you can make your video for professional level