My Best Friends Wedding is one on my favourite films, I first went to see it when it was at the cinema in 1997, and I loved it then and still love it just as much every time I watch the video!
This film is a classic Romantic comedy and stars to of my favourite actress?s within this category, Julia Roberts as Julianne Potter, her credits include Pretty Woman 1990 and more recently Erin Brockovich 2000 for which she one an Oscar. Julia helped to hand pick her co star Cameron Diaz as Kimberly Wallace, Cameron made her film debut in The Mask in 1994, and is now well know for her role in Charlie?s Angels in 2000. These two wonderful performers are complimented by two gorgeous actors Dermot Mulroney as Michael O?Neil, Dermot?s credits include Bad Girls 1994 and Point of no return 1993, Rupert Everett also stars as George Downes, Rupert?s credits include The Next Best Thing 2000 and more recently The Importance of Being Ernest 2002.
?I?ve got 4 days to break up a wedding, steal a bridegroom and I have no idea how I am going to it!? (Julianne Potter)
Julianne Potter is a highly acclaimed food critic she has devoted her life to her work and not fallen into the pattern of falling in love, getting married and having a family. She has run away from romance and commitment and is happy with life the way it is or at least she thought she was. Whilst having lunch with her friend George Downes she receives a phone call from her old best friend Michael O?Neil saying he has something important to ask her.
Julianne remembers a drunken night they both shared in which they made a pact that if they were not married by the time they turned 28 they would married each other. Julianne has just turned 28 and is still single therefore assumes that Michael is going to ask her to marry him. The more Julianne thinks about the more she convinces herself that she does love Michael and she really does want to marry him. You can imagine her shock when he calls to say that he is getting married to some body else and he was phoning to see if she would come to the wedding, oh and the wedding is in 4 days!
Julianne is so shocked she falls of the bed; she calls her friend George and explains that she is in love with Michael and has to stop the wedding, George tries to stop her but it is no good, so off she goes on her mission.
As soon as she arrives the perfect ?Kimmy? Wallace greets Julianne, Kimmy is desperate to get along with Julianne as she explains; ?He has you on a pedestal and me in his arms?. Kimmy decides to make Julianne her maid of honour and exclaims that she has 4 days to become her new best friend.
Whist Kimmy is rushed off her feet with wedding preparations Julianne takes the time to become reacquainted with her old best friend, her feelings increase and she is determined to win her man, we watch as Julianne stoops to the lowest levels to make Michael forget Kimmy, but will she succeed? I?m not telling!! Your have to rent it and find out!
My View:
I love this film, it is hilariously funny and the direction by P.J.Hogan is excellent. I am a big fan of his work including Muriel?s Wedding 1994, Ronald Bass?s writing is also excellent his work includes Sleeping with the Enemy 1986 and Rain Man 1988.
Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz are both excellent in their roles and compliment each other beautifully. Dermot Mulroney is fabulous in his role as heart throb Michael O?Neil, poor guy it must have been so hard to have to such gorgeous women fighting over him! And my favourite Rupert Everett is charming and funny to watch as camp best friend George Downes.
This film is a good girlie movie and would recommend you watch it with friends, although we have the soppy romance this film is very funny as well. The sound track is also amazing and includes a cast rendition of ?Say a Little Prayer? featured in the film. The cast sings a lot of the songs in the film adding to the enjoyment and hilarity factor.
Sound Track:
Say a Little Prayer (Dina King)
Wishin and Hopin (Ani DiFranco)
You don?t know me (Jann Arden)
Tell Him (The Exciters)
I just don?t know what to do with myself (Nicky Holland)
I?ll be okay (Amanda Marshall)
The Way you look tonight (Tony Bennett)
What the world needs is love (Jackie Deshannon)
I?ll never fall in love again (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
Always You (Sophie Zelmani)
If you wanna be happy (Jimmy Soul)
Say a little Prayer (Cast of ?My Best friend?s Wedding)
Suite from My Best Friends Wedding.
Where can I get it?
You can rent this video from most rental shops for example Block Buster. If you would like to purchase this product I suggest you try current prices are:
DVD: £6.97
Video: £5.99
Sound Track: £6.25.