I strongly urge all directors and script writers to refrain from making movies such as My Big Fat Greek Wedding. The people of this world can do without such movies... it makes them feel miserable.
I loved this movie... but a day or two later, it had me wondering... wheres my knight in shining armor. Sigh... movies can do that to you, and this is one such movie.
The Movie
It is a romantic comedy.
Romantic because the two lead actors fall so much in love that they decide to cross all boundaries of faith and religion, just to be with each other.
Comedy because this movie is hilarious.
The characters
Toula: She is a simple Greek girl in search of something meaningful in life
Her father: Is a Greek man who came to the US with jus 8 dollars in his pocket. He is deeply religious and fiercely guards his roots. He is usually busy in proving that the root of any English word lies in the Greek language and thus, Greek is superior. He also believes that any wound or itch or scratch or anything, can be dealt with by a spray of Windex (used for cleaning windows and such surfaces). He is a lovable character and you will laugh at his sweet little idiosyncrasies. But hes a sweet man at heart who steals the show.
Her mother: Her mother is a strong Greek woman who is intelligent and kind. Like any true Greek mother, she loves to feed. And thus shes cooking through most of the movie.
Her brother: Is a sweet man who cant seem to face his father and let him know that he wishes to study art and painting.
Her Aunt: Is an energetic lady who, when she meets the heros parents for the first time, narrates how she had a lump at the back of her neck which the doctors said contained teeth and spinal cord.
The grandmother: She is easily the best character. She is an old... (almost ancient) lady who doesnt know that the Turkish war is over. She keeps attempting to run away from home all through. Every now and then she has to be dragged back into the house. The bundle of bones is bent and frail, but that doesnt stop her from attempting to run away.
Ian Miller: Hes a handsome American with long brown hair (to die for). Hes simple and totally in love with Toula.
His mom and dad: Theyre simple Americans who find it very appalling that their son has chosen to marry into a family of loud Greeks.
The Story
Toula (I loved that name) works at her familys Greek restaurant. Toula belongs to the Portaqalos family. She is Greek and, like in most Greek families, she has loads of cousins. Her family is loud and merry. They fight, cry and laugh together. They dont give a rats a*s about privacy and are nosing into each others matters all the time.
According to Toulas dad, a Greek woman has 3 objectives in life...
#1 To marry a Greek man
#2 To produce Greek babies
#3 To feed people (Greeks love their food)
Toula of course doesnt agree and wishes to make something of her life. She dares to dream. Gets herself a new chic look and is pretty and raring to go. She manages to get her father to agree with her change in lifestyle. Then she meets Ian Miller (John Corbett) who is smitten by her, for she is pretty, sensitive and intelligent. She realises that she likes him a lot and lets him know that she sees no way that their relationship could work out considering her parents strict rules about marrying within the community.
And from then on, the story is all about how Ian makes huge (really huge for any guy) compromises and changes in his life to get Toulas parents to accept him.
Eventually, things do work out and the two live happily ever after... (sigh now you know why I dont want such movies made ;) )
The Acting
Honestly this wasnt the kind of movie that would judge anyones acting skills. It was a good performance by all the actors and they did justice to their roles.
Ohhh I loved this (Guys just skip this part. Girls, read on)
Ian decides to convert to Toulas religion and gets baptized. As he is being baptized (which is a big thing you know)...
Toula says Hes gonna look at me any moment and say youre so not worth this.
Says Toulas lovable brother But you are.
Trust me, its a moment to die for. Was really sweet. Too bad God gave me devils for brothers!
Memorable lines
- Toula says to Ian that considering their different backgrounds, things wont work.
Ian says to Toula Whats not to work. Its not like were a different species
- Toula: When Im with you, Im so happy... but my family is so unhappy .A wedding is supposed to be this joyous occasion, but my family...
Ian: I love you
Toula: Why? Why do you love me?
Ian: Coz I came alive when I met you.
Toula: But my family...
Ian: Youre a part of your family. And Ill do whatever it takes to get them to accept me. Coz youre my life now. Youre my whole life.
- Let me introduce you to my family says toulas father.... This is Romano, Andrea, Nick, nick, nick, nick, nick and nicky.... not a typo my friends.. most of the family is named Nick ;)
Reasons to watch
The comedy is simply too good. The father who keeps spraying windex on everyone whos hurt, the old granny who keeps running away, theyre all awesome.
The guy is really cute. John Corbett...John Corbett... Love him!
This film shows how different the two cultures are and how they dont understand one another and yet in the end compromise and learn to live with one another.
Reasons to Skip
- None really. This movie isnt mushy. Honest to God. O youre wondering how I found it mushy? Well I can find mush in anything. Im a sucker for mush, so dont listen to me. This movie is a pure comedy and its simple. Its not about a message and its not about how this or that should be. Its a simple, watch able, funny movie that brings a smile to your face in between all the scenes when youre rofling :)
Point to note…
After watching this movie I couldn’t help but think, how much the Greek and the Punjabis have in common. Both loud, both crazy, fascination with stuffing themselves with food, HUGE families… well for that matter any Indian family :)
And you know what...
I loved this movie for the totally beautiful, yet funny love story it put forth. An unlikely couple, even unlikelier in-laws... and yet... it all works out in the end...
But The emphasis in the movie is clearly on the humorous aspect rather than the romance (did I see you men let out a sigh of relief?) :)
Guys: Watch this one and laugh your blues away.
Girls: Watch it, laugh and then smile... and sit around wishing you had John Corbett ;) or any guy like Ian Miller for that matter :)