I have used Idea app only twice. I find it very unsafe to pay my idea mobile bill through the mobile app I have downloaded recently. It is just because it askes for my four digit ATM Debit card pin insted of an One time mobile password OTP.
An OTP is considered much safer for online transactions as compaired to any othere means of online payment. Banks have always educated their customers not to shair their ATM Card and PIN with any one especially online. I give my card number, expiry, name on the card and CVV number; after this how can I feel safe to give my ATM pin on the app.
I dont have any major problems with other aspects of the My Idea app but safery of my card credentials and money is of utmost importance.
I hope Idea looks into it untill then I dont feel safe doing any transactions through my debit card in Idea app.
I woudent advise any one to give your Debit card Pin on Idea app.