I had followed the promos of MNIK from the start. I knew exactly what to expect. And the film met and exceeded my expectations completely.
Talking about the story, I can see how the plot could have originated. When every major terrorist group is belonging to the Muslim community, it becomes increasingly difficult for Muslims to walk with self esteem. How can you get your self esteem back? By telling the whole world that I am a Muslim but I am not a terrorist! And that is the aim of Rizwans journey. In his journey, he meets many people whom he classifies in only two religions - Good and Bad. He loved his Hindu wife and son. He saw his mother in Moma Jenny who is a Christian. Obviously all of them followed the same religion; the religion of love - Good. He also comes across a terrorist recruiter who misinterpreted the verses of the Holy Quran to sway the minds of innocent Muslim youth. Needles to say this person followed the religion of Hate - Bad.
His persistence helps him to finally fulfill the task he set out for. Assuring us that Good will always endure all bads. If entertainment means a burst of laughter for you, then MNIK is the least entertaining of films. However, if it means a soul stirring performance, moist eyes, gripping story and a socially relevant message, then you will find it here.The story has been told very honestly. No attempt has been made to increase the so called entertainment factor. I never realized when the songs came and went as it took the story forward. However, there are some good lighter moments as well. Especially the scene where Rizwan blushes when Mandira proposes to him was simply lovable.
The movie has a very strong message that you cannot brand everyone a terrorist just based on the actions of a few people. It should be taken as a secular statement. Note that Gauri still follows her Hindu rituals at home just as Mandira. Also the logo of Red Chillies has Om and 786 together which is a symbol of the secular mindset of SRK. My request to all viewers would be to feel proud of the kind of actors we have in SRK, Aamir, BigB, Salman, Akshay, Hrithik and the likes.
As Fox is distributing the film overseas, there are chances that this film might be shown at many international film festivals. I would not be surprised if it even gets nominated or gets an Oscar or any other prestigious international award.
Go and watch the film; go and appreciate humanity!