I have been on www from 1996, the early ancient days of Internet, with only Yahoo! and Altavista around to help users get the information they needed (websites).
A speed of 1Kbps was good those days, because most of the websites were pure HTML and had few images (mostly for Logos & one or two for Ads), it was fascinating to get e-mail alerts from Indiainfo.com on Cricker ;)
Newsletter subscription was a big thing those days & all most every web site had this feature.
Well here is the tip of my favorite web sites.I have a huge collection of websites, so fell free to ask me if you are looking for any specific websites on your favorite topic.
But now with Search Engines becoming more powerful & better in terms of technology and user needs, I think we should have only one or two favorite websites: In my opinion I use https://yahoo.com & https://google.com for all my needs and to the best of my knowledge if one knows how to search, then we can find everything what we want using these search engines.
__ http://www.yahoo.com : For all needs, finance, news, mail, photos, groups, sports .....
__ http://www.yahoo.com/ http://www.google.com/ http://www.altavista.com: To search anything on the web, web sites, news, images
__ http://www.singingfish.com/ http://www.alltheweb.com : For Audio & Video Search
__ http://www.howstuffworks.com: I am a fan of this site ever since it launched in Dec1998. Want to know how web works?
__ http://www.discovery.com: From Space to Health guides, read and know about
animals, humans, space and much more.
__ http://www.spymac.com: On-line communities, Photos 250MB, Disk Space 100MB, 1Gb Mail and much more. well now enjoying even https://mouthshut.com
__ http://www.eevl.ac.uk/eese/eese-eevl.html : Meta Search Engine allows you to search the contents of over 250 freely available e-journals, this will get you good research articles and much more.
__ http://www.123greetings.com: Send e-cards, greet your family & friends.
__ http://www.waybackmachine.org : Free archive of Web, Audio, text & more, Want to see how
http://www.yahoo.com looked in 1996 ?
__ http://www.goodhit.com : Apna desha, Apni web-sites :) , good coverage of indian web-sites in easy to locate categories.