Just for hanging out, for serious issues, for communication.... you think of anything that cannot be acheived through internet.... its gonna take time to come to a conclusion.
Now, here are my 10 fav places.
What do you want to know? just go to google and search. Though there are many other search engines, google is my fav. Nothing more to say, just go to google and find out what is there. More than just giving some answers, it has got sub-functions like translation too.
The extremes of imagination. You go to this site and can find a hell lot of images. Most of the fwd images we see over the net are taken from this site. I can say that 90% of them must be without the permission from the moderator. But the creativity and the competition we see in this site is SIMPLY SUPERB!
One of my fav sports. So there is no reason why I shouldnt visit this site atleast twice a day to see what is happening there. There is nothing much interesting to a common man here, but all lovers of WWE should come here at least once a week.
Another site which covers all the factions of entertainment related to wrestling. Whether it be RAW, Smackdown, TNA happening in Canada, Japan, Mexico, Europe, this site updates all the facts. This is the only site where I have seen the biggest database of wrestling facts.
The Final Say in Fantasy paintings. Again, this site has the very best collection of fantasy paintings done by Boris Vallejo and Julie. An amazing place where each artist can really learn something from every stoke of the brush.
Another great place to look for something, when you really need to know what it is. This site allows the user to create his homepage as well as allows to share his content. Thus they also grow their database. A very good place for instant education.
A very recent site, but this site has a very good collection of content worth reading. It has got all the elements to keep you stick to it. Jokes, funny pictures, power-point presentations, movie clips, a lil mature content.... this is also one of my favorite place.
These are two sites which gives a bit relaxation. These sites host Flash games. Easy to play, mentally relaxing, they are a very good way to get yourself refreshed.
All the sites that support blogging are another place I love to hangout. It gives me a chance to meet so many people who think alike. Getting face-struck with new ideas started once I started blogging.
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