This is my pick of ten sites I sometimes find useful; they may not necessary be my favorites.
News --
I like this news site. The NY Times offers a well-balanced view
of the world, sometimes delving into issues that are merely an afterthought for some papers. The magazine on Sundays is good too. The best part of nytimes online is that all the articles are free to read with a free registration.
Search Engine --
This one is obvious. Google is quite a search engine, in just a year or so, has become the number one search engine used by everyone in the world. Altavista was good, but google built upon it, and offered a lot of useful features. One of the best is “cache”. Ever find something you want, and then finding out you can’t connect to the site? Just click on “cache” to view the most recently indexed document from the website you are trying to reach.
Food --
This one I discovered recently. I like browsing this site because it indexes food articles listed in the major US and International papers. No longer does one have to search independently in various online sites for the latest recipes and stuff.
Food –
This one is a recipe site with an easy to use search engine, and tons of recipes available. What is nice about this site is that users have the ability to rate and comment on recipes.
Science --
The New Scientist is the leading weekly science journal published in the UK. It is like Scientific American, but a little more interesting in its selection of news tidbits and information. Usually I like reading this magazine in its paper form, but the website is also useful for the latest articles and such.
Chinese Language --
Marjorie Chan’s China Links is a complete resource for learning Chinese, and using Chinese computing. There are links to how-to guides on where to get Chinese software, how to use Chinese software, and links to websites that contain e-texts, and cultural materials.
Humor --
This site is a riot. Sometimes you just need to read a good comic once in a while, maybe everyday. This site offers dozens and dozens of comics, but whose counting? What I didn’t like about the site is that the comics have no preview, so you do not know what you will be getting if you are not familiar with the storyline; but surprises are sometimes a good thing.
Popular Technology –
This is not “Popular Science”, the magazine where the science is more science-fiction, Wired covers technology and issues that is both current, and in our future. Personally, I like the paper form better, but Wired online is serviceable whenever you need it.
Voyeurism --
I thought this site was kinda interesting. What are people typing into search engines these days? Perhaps you have a website, and want to know if you have the right keywords to get people clicking into your site. If you like to take a peek, you will find links to the latest search results, sometimes in real time, of many major search engines.
Odds-n-Ends --
What can I tell you, if you think the rich and famous are criminals… Chances are, it’s true!