I had been to Kerala to spend my Honey moon . Out of the many options as a tour operator, I preferred myhappyjourney as my tour partner which is the low cost, ultimate tour package provider recommended by Mountshut too.So we trust them and proceed. The unique and stand out thing with myhappyjourney is that, they customized my tour needs, provided better suggestions and they remained with me throughout my tour to handle any kind of grievances I may be facing. Let it be Travel, Hotel bookings, sightseeing or guidance they do it in a professional way to satisfy the ultimate need for me.My wife was also very much impressed by the hotel options they provide to us. Especially the best part was staying in Munnar-Mountainclub and Kovalam Estury island.
Extending my heartiest thanks to Mr.Karthikeyan and looking forward a good relationship with them to have more trips to Kerala with myhappyjourney. Thanks a lot for your kind co operation and nice arrangement.