This is regarding my Recent Order( Safari Unisex Red Anti-Scratch Small Trolley Suitcase) placed on Myntra with order id #1097386-7395538-9646803 on dated : 22 Dec 2018 which is on Returned To Origin status.
I was completely surpise to see the order status as Returned To Origin, Because no One Every contacted me for delivery and even no one came for delivery.
After that I called customercare and had a word with Yash Customer care agent and he informed me that there was some deffect in the product and due to which it was retuned back to the origin. And he also confirmed that a complaint has been raised against the order and they will get back to me with in 3 Days for the resolution.
Here my question is: If there is some defect in the product then why it was shipped and if it is shipped after all quality check how they come to know about defect in transist without opening the order.
This clearly show myntra is tempring the package.
After 3 days again I called to teh customer care and had a word Pooja.
She informed me to wait for another 72 Hours.
After waiting again I called back and this time a had a word with Anita.
She again asking me to wait for more 3 days for resolution.
when I ask to provide the same product with the same price. she denied and asking me to choose any other product with the price which is showing in the website and the response was so rude and un-professional.
If Myntra doent have any SLA standard then why customer care agent giving Incorrect time line for resolution.
This is not the way to provide customer service. if myntra is not willing to provide product to the customer then myntra should not allow the customer to place order.
Being waited for more then 15 days, talking to the custome care associate multiple time I am getting such kind of response and getting mentaly persure while taking to customer care and getting idiotic response.
This is not at all expected and myntra should not play with customer emotion and expection